NFL players swear by it, Sally Fitzgibbons won’t travel without it, and now the Penrith Panthers have added it to their training repertoire.

Core Flyte is a product that’s reinventing the way we workout, and elite athletes across various fields were among the first adopters.

Created by former Australian Rugby Player and Golden Gloves boxer Paul Nichols, Core Flyte uses innovative technology to enhance your workouts, focusing on Omni- Directional stability training designed to give the user a complete workout.

What it is?

Core Flyte is the next generation of ball stability training designed to train your body from the core out. Core Flytes have 3 balls that roll under a stable base. The user balances with their hands or feel on the base, which is designed to give full range of motion.

Key Benefits

Adjust the difficulty: Use Core Flytes on a harder surface for more intensity or a softer floor for more control.

Use anywhere: They work on just about any surface, including the non-slip rubber gym floor, and they are also portable and easy to store.

Increase coordination: Core Flytes facilitate movement along many planes (or any flat surface), requiring coordinated muscle movements as multiple muscle groups are activated and improving body position sense (proprioception).

Engage more muscle: Core Flytes activate the core as well as secondary and supporting muscles around the joints to help prevent injuries and improve athletic performance.

About Paul Nichols

Paul, the inventor of Core Flyte, is a former Australian rugby player and amateur boxer turned inventor and fitness and conditioning coach. He is now based in NYC.

Having developed numerous stability and balance exercises for his long client list, Paul designed the Core Flyte to enable fitness enthusiasts everywhere to benefit from improved stability and muscle activation.

Paul founded Core Flyte in 2015 and they are now being used in 30 countries around the world. They are proving very popular not only with high profile athletes but every day fitness enthusiast looking to increase tone, balance and strength. The company has already turned over $3 million in only 3 years and Paul believes they just getting started.

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