Fitness Australia releases Checklist to ensure safe reopening of gyms.
With the majority of gyms looking to reopen within the next few weeks, Fitness Australia has today released a safe reopening Checklist, to help its members implement and follow industry best practice procedures to safeguard the health and safety of members and employees.
The COVID Safety Plan Checklist follows the release of the Framework for Operations in the Fitness Industry Under COVID-19 Restrictions earlier this month and is part of Fitness Australia’s COVID Safety Plan which has been endorsed by industry leaders across the sector and Occupational and Environment Physician Dr Andrea James MBBS FAFOE(RACP) FRACGP GDOEH.
Fitness Australia CEO Barrie Elvish said the industry is continuing to do whatever it takes to ensure the safe reopening, and operation, of gyms right across Australia.
Mr Elvish said:
“Ensuring gym users and the broader community have the confidence and comfort that the fitness industry is doing everything required to ensure a safe exercise environment is our top priority.”
“Gyms create a COVID safety environment when strict measures are enforced to protect the health and safety of members and employees from COVID-19. While we are advising all our members to check with their state government requirements, we have gone one step further and developed a Checklist that goes beyond the standard considerations.”
The Framework for Operations in the Fitness Industry Under COVID-19 Restrictions is available to all businesses within the industry, while the Checklist is exclusively available to Fitness Australia members.
Fitness Australia members who complete the Checklist will have the opportunity to download and display COVID Safety Plan In Place branded assets to show they are adhering to strict industry reopening standards.
The Fitness Australia COVID Safety Plan framework is available at and provides general considerations for all businesses and operators in the fitness industry. The COVID Safety Plan Checklist is available to members via the dashboard at