Next phase for Fitness Australia to push for a more physically active nation
Today the national peak fitness industry association, Fitness Australia, announced that their next phase includes a heavy focus in its core business towards promoting physical activity to the public through partnerships with Government agencies like Sport Australia and the corporate and allied health sectors.
“Our new strategic direction will see Fitness Australia as a key player in getting more Australians more physically active more often and our success will benefit our industry, and the Australian community,” explains Barrie Elvish, CEO of Fitness Australia.
“We know that there’s a deterioration of the overall health of Australians. As a consequence, Governments at all levels nationally ‐ and internationally for that matter ‐ are turning their focus on the need to encourage more members of the community to participate more regularly in physical activity. Indeed, Australia has joined the international campaign and is a recent signatory to the World Health Organisation’s Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018‐2030.”
“I believe this scenario represents a once in a lifetime opportunity for Fitness Australia and our members, to have a significant and long lasting positive impact in the non‐exercising Australian community,” adds Barrie.
Fitness Australia has an integral, and important, role to play in this initiative at a national level through effective advocacy underwritten by evidence‐based research, a professional membership base and high quality accessible facilities.
“You’ll start to see new programs and initiatives by Fitness Australia that encourage more people to be active; connecting more mums, dads, children, older adults, people living with a physical disability or with a mental health condition, our First Australians and the wider community generally with our industry’s workforce and facilities.”
Barrie adds, “The more Australians who participate in physical activity the more opportunities for employment in the industry and associated business growth.”
About Fitness Australia
Fitness Australia is the national peak industry association here to help make Australia a more physically active nation, through a professional workforce and facilitating access to high quality programs and services.
We’re made up of 20,000 AusREPs, 3,500 fitness business members, 200 CEC providers, 12 newly Quality Accredited businesses who are leading the way and an industry with almost 3 million consumers. Visit