Fitness Australia, the peak industry association, has partnered with Australia’s largest sports, fitness and recreation job board provider Sportspeople, to promote job vacancies of Fitness Australia Business Members, with the benefit of a heavily discounted rate.

Barrie Elvish, CEO of Fitness Australia believes the new service will make it easier for members to list and fill roles in the future, as well as, broaden the reach of their job vacancies.

“Our business members now have access to a significant discount of 20% off their job vacancy listings – simply by being part of Fitness Australia’s business network.”

“Fitness Australia’s business members will also be easily identifiable to jobseekers as preferred employers,” adds Barrie.

Members wanting to use this great benefit can follow these easy steps:

  1. Register as an Employer with Sportspeople. Registration is free and takes a minute to complete. You can register here.
  2. Tick the box titled “Fitness Australia Business Member” in the Profile section to access the 20% discount.
  3. Once registered you can login to list your role. Note that no charges apply for Volunteer and Intern/Traineeship positions.
  4. All active roles listed will be automatically added to both the Sportspeople and the Fitness Australia Jobs Board

Professionals looking to get up-to-the-minute notifications as jobs are advertised can become a Jobseeker via this link

The Fitness Australia and Sportspeople partnership benefit is offered to all Fitness Australia Sole Trader and Business Members across Australia. For more information regarding the Fitness Australia Job Board please contact Fitness Australia on 1300 211 311 or email

Enquiries directly relating to job advertisements can be submitted via this contact form or find your answer in Sportspeople’s FAQs.

Visit the Fitness Industry Jobs Board powered by Sportspeople at