Exercise program for Kalgoorlie miners wins Fitness Australia’s National #ActiveCommunities Award.
Western Australia’s Goldfields Oasis Recreational Centre Pledge to Park Run, an exercise program aimed at local Kalgoorlie miners, has taken out Fitness Australia’s National #ActiveCommunities Award 2017.
Bill Moore, CEO of Fitness Australia, the peak industry association, said:
“Having middle-aged men, who are Kalgoorlie’s most high risk demographic for health issues, participate in regular exercise through this program is a great achievement for this community.”
Goldfields Oasis Manager, Cheye Hill, emphasised their need to break down the social stigma of men being too “tough” to make their health and fitness a priority, as a key goal to the success of this initiative.
“Our program offers Kalgoorlie-Boulder men, many of whom work long hours, the chance to attend free weekly fitness sessions and be educated on nutrition, lifestyle and mental health issues with the aim of improving their fitness and wellbeing, and their ultimate goal being a 5km Park Run circuit. We provided a genuine solution to eliminate the social stigma and financial barriers to exercise that typically prevent men from joining an group exercise program, ” says Hill.
The Pledge to Park Run program started in 2015 and offered Kalgoorlie-Boulder men free weekly fitness sessions held by Goldfields Oasis. This initiative is endorsed by local community groups and mining companies, sending a positive message to the mining industry and workforce.
With over 900 nominations in Fitness Australia’s #ActiveCommunities Award category, this Award aims to celebrate the outstanding work that gyms, personal training businesses and clubs do to create active, healthier, happier communities.
“As the peak industry association we exist to empower our members to engage more people in exercise – this is a perfect example of that – which makes us extremely proud of the life-changing work being done all over the country each day,” says Moore.
The 2017 Fitness Australia #ActiveCommunities Award is proudly sponsored by Physio-Control.
Click here to read stories from other State and Territory #ActiveCommunities Winners.