There is no better way to start your FILEX experience than with a group of fellow fitness business owners on the Sydney Harbour at sunrise. And on Friday 12th April that is exactly what you can do!

You are invited to The Fitness Business Podcast early morning walk with fellow FILEX attendees on the first day of FILEX 2019!

Please come along and join Chantal, the host of The Fitness Business Podcast, for this FREE active networking event.  You will meet others attending FILEX; other listeners of the world’s #1 podcast for fitness business owners and managers; and some of our amazing guests. By the end of the walk, you’ll feel part of the #FBPFamily.

We will walk and chat for 45 minutes and return back to the International Convention Centre by 6.50am – giving you plenty of time to be ready for the first session.

The Fitness Business Podcast Meetup is the perfect way to start your day it will be well worth the effort to get up and moving!

If you don’t know anyone, don’t worry we’ll help you connect with others.

If you have a whole team with you, they are all invited.

Everyone is welcome!

Date: Friday, April 12th
Time: 6am
Where: Meet at the water fountain in Darling Harbour (5.50am – don’t be late!)
Wear:  Active Wear
Cost: Free!


The Fitness Business Podcast is the fitness industry’s only weekly podcast to hear from leading business experts, authors, coaches and owners from around the world.  A 30 minute show that includes education and the actions to help you in your business – no matter your size, category or location.  You can listen to the show on iTunes or direct from the website

Check out The Fitness Business Podcast at our website or join our community on our Facebook page by clicking here.