GYYMI is a unique fitness management system developed for gyms, studios & personal trainers. Use GYYMI to explore and book flexible and affordable space to train anytime, anywhere.
An exciting new health and fitness app launches in Australia today, Monday 17 December 2018.
GYYMI, proudly designed in Australia is set to shake up the fitness landscape and provide Gym Managers and Personal Trainers the power to manage and grow their businesses. GYYMI provides the fitness industry with a unique management tool that connects Personal Trainers to flexible and affordable gym space.
GYYMI provides gym owners with the ability to earn more money by renting out underutilised space within their gym to Personal Trainers. Gyms feature their facilities and equipment on their own profile page to help match specific needs of Personal Trainers and their clients.
Personal Trainers no longer need to be tied to one gym to train their clients. GYYMI provides the flexibility and freedom for Trainers to explore new gyms at affordable prices and the power to take control of their businesses, manage their clients and earn more money.
GYYMI has been developed by a cohort of Australian fitness and sports marketing professionals to ensure that all aspects and features of the app are tailor-made for the fitness industry. All payments are processed through GYYMI’s securely-encrypted payment platform, with both Gym Managers and Personal Trainers able to view their own transaction history, see a snapshot of their activity in real-time on a unique dashboard to help manage their business with greater certainty.
GYYMI is available as a free download on Apple’s App Store for iPhone users.
GYYMI is available exclusively in Australia and will expand into international markets in 2019. The Android version will be available in early 2019.
For further information, screenshots and our launch video please
To download the app go to