Sports Dietitians Australia has the following recommendations on how to keep healthy during the Covid-19 shutdown.

Here are our key recommendations to support your health and training.

Get some sunshine

At the time of writing, we are still able to get out for some exercise so long as we strictly practice social distancing but even the backyard, courtyard or balcony can give us a dose of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D allows our skin to soak up its goodness and of course, it’s very beneficial for our mental health as well as immunity, not to mention the endorphins released through exercising in the sunshine. Other foods that provide Vitamin D include: oily fish, eggs and some fortified milk.

Support your Immune system 

Be mindful of who is behind nutritional recommendations that claim to prevent or cure COVID -19 or any other immune related advice at this time. This is a great summary from Professor Clare Collins around key foods and their nutrients that play a role in supporting your immune health. Simone Austin (SDA President) also provides some great practical ideas to support your gut health and immunity.

Sports Nutrition Advice

For those who may have been considering a consultation with one of our members, please know that we are still available via telehealth – head to our website to locate a Sports Dietitian or join our Instagram account – Sports Dietitians Australia to follow our professionals. Telehealth services are in the process of being expanded so check with your Sports Dietitian if the consult is claimable

If you were preparing for an event, when you’re ready, use any extra time to reflect on your preparation and for some, this may be an opportunity to plan how this could be executed differently. Do you understand how to fuel your body to enable training adaptations, maintain your health and overarching physique or performance goals? If and when you can, reach out to an Accredited Sports Dietitian to help achieve your goals and remember – our clinicians are not just sports dietitians; they can also assist with gut related issues, disordered and eating disorders, food allergies or intolerances, diabetes, oncology or other related malnutrition, chronic disease management as well as cardiovascular or respiratory illnesses.

We can appreciate that this is also a very challenging and at risk time for individuals who have or are experiencing eating disorders; related to changing routines including potential changes to personal food and exercise environments. Alicia Edge from Compeat Nutrition and Fiona Sutherland @themindfuldietitian discuss how our relationship with food is impacted over this time, in the Compeat Waffle podcast S3.E8.

Stay well and look after yourself and each other.