Safe online workouts are vital for whole community.
Following Monday’s closure of gyms, thousands of Australians have turned to online personal training, live streaming of classes and fitness videos to ensure they can continue to exercise in the safety of their own home during COVID-19.
However, following reports police had threatened one operator with a $5,000 fine for privately using their facility for the purpose of digital content only, Fitness Australia is calling on authorities to apply common sense in allowing personal trainers and gym operators to safely use facilities to film online workouts.
Fitness Australia CEO Barrie Elvish said:
“Gyms and personal trainers need to be allowed to safely create digital content for the benefit of their members and the broader community. Exercise is critical for our immune function and physical and mental wellbeing.”
Mr Elvish said gyms who were using facilities to film online content are complying with all indoor social distancing guidelines as advised by the government and the Chief Medical Officer.
“Personal trainers are using gym facilities to film safe and appropriate home exercise programs to allow people to continue their training and fitness routine while in isolation.
“The gyms or facilities that are being used for filming this content are not open to the public, or members, under any circumstances.”
Mr Elvish said people are looking for ways to keep active in isolation and digital workouts were the ideal way for people to keep in touch with their personal trainer or participate in a virtual group class.
“People are calling out for online exercise programs that are suitable to do at home. Enabling personal trainers and gyms to film regular content is vital in keeping members engaged and motivated to continue their daily exercise routine.”
With safety as the number one priority, Fitness Australia continues to follow the directives and guidelines set out by the state and federal governments and the Chief Medical Officer.
Mr Elvish said:
“We are continuing to communicate with our members to ensure they are up to date with the latest government guidelines, including social distancing requirements, when it comes to fitness and exercise.”
“Together with all our members, Fitness Australia continues to have the health and wellbeing of all Australians as our top priority.”
“However, like many businesses facing the impacts of COVID-19, our members are having to adapt and develop new initiatives to ensure they can remain viable and continue to support their clients during these tough times.”