Vitruvian have just announced the launch of their second-generation product, the Vitruvian Trainer + and their enhanced fitness app.

Vitruvian, one of the fastest growing connected- fitness brands in the world, have just announced the launch of their second-generation product, the Vitruvian Trainer + and their enhanced fitness app which introduces goal-orientated programs and will shortly include the ability to build teams and much more. Alongside this they will soon launch Vitruvian Play, a gamified connected-fitness experience.

An Australian company who launched their first product in 2020, Vitruvian has seen demand for its connected strength trainer rapidly grow. It is now in 20 countries around the world within 12- short months.

With the help of investment and impressive sales figures, Vitruvian has invented the next generation of connected fitness which will launch on November 19.


The original V-Form Trainer is the brainchild of Jon Gregory, previously a high frequency trade who forged a successful business ahead of the curve, when the financial trading tool was first emerging. An applied physicist by education, Gregory’s expertise in building complex algorithms that analyse behaviours and respond favourably to certain conditions laid the perfect foundation for his next solution.

During quiet moments on the markets, Gregory kept up his fitness with a set of weights in his trading room. Struck by the stark contrast between the sophisticated technology used at work and the rudimentary heavy weights we’ve used to build strength for centuries, he set about building a digital weight system underwritten by algorithms, with the intention to push people to train more effectively and efficiently.

How the Vitruvian Trainer+ works

Inside a slimline carbon fibre platform are two very small, very powerful motors that deliver weight via adaptive algorithmic technology and two retractable cables. The resistance generated ranges from 0kg to 200kg.

Vitruvian operates by smart algorithms that constantly respond to the way you move. By reading your range of motion and the speed that you’re performing an exercise, the weight rapidly adjusts, up to 50 times per second, to both challenge and support you to maximize each rep while also acting as a spotter.

Competitors in the digital weight arena cannot deliver anywhere near the amount of weight as the Vitruvian Trainer +, which is also free-standing and small in size.

The machine weighs 38kg, is easily manoeuvrable with a handle and wheels, and is intentionally compact for storage in the smallest of homes, fitting under a couch or bed when not in use.

The new features of the Vitruvian Trainer + include:

• A larger weight range from 3 – 200kg. Competitors in the digital weight arena cannot deliver anywhere near the amount of weight.

• Vitruvian’s own ‘quick connection system’
– Allows for one handed attachment of handles, bars, straps, and other accessories

– Simpler, stronger and with safety built in through a two-stage locking system

• Upgraded motors creating an even smoother motion feel

• Whisper silent machine The updated app will include:

• Access to world class trainers with new classes added every week

• The ability to create and share custom workouts from over 200 exercises

• Access to technique tutorials and programs

• 4–12 week goal-oriented programs that users can follow and monitor their training and keep inspired and motivated.

• Data-wise, the app offers you everything, from high level stuff like recent activity, weekly and monthly statistics, muscle group tendencies, PBs, your full workout history etc. to the fine grain detail of performance data on each exercise: force, velocity, position and improvements.

• *Coming soon., Vitruvian Play and Vitruvian Teams

Vitruvian is the ultimate device for anyone who wants a more effective, efficient and convenient way to work out. It will help you feel stronger physically and mentally and it is an engaging product that will be hard to get bored of.

Pricing & details

● $3,150 AUD
● Monthly membership $49 paid per device = unlimited users

Feel the Vitruvian difference