The COVID crisis seems to have cooled enough for many of us to reopen our gyms, studios and return to personal training. The challenge: what is on the other side of the tunnel?
The most common question I’m asked is “What’s it like when clubs reopen?”
I am working with US based clubs who have reopened, so I am privy to their data, strategies and insights. You can hear the latest information so you know what is on the other side when we work together.
As you know when you move from a dark environment to the light, it takes time for our eyes to adjust and that time in business could be the difference between re-opening strongly or a meandering, useless reopen. You can storm out of the blocks when we work together.
REX Roundtables is the world’s leading programs to support and develop you as a business owner, a leader of people, and a balanced human. You will not find anything similar to Roundtables as they each have their very own ‘secret sauce.’
You can apply to join one of the eight roundtables that I am running to also burst out of the reopening blocks:
- A Fitness Business Owners Roundtable in NSW;
- A Club Owners Roundtable in Australia;
- One of two REX Owners Roundtables in the US;
- A US REX Roundtable for Marketing Managers;
- A US REX Roundtable for Sales Managers;
- A US REX Roundtable for PT or Programming Managers.
If you would like to know more about what happens at a Roundtable and if a Roundtable is right for you, we can chat! Just book a time for us to Zoom by clicking here or just drop me an email:
Every webinar I listened to during lockdown and every article I read, said our gyms and studios will be different when we emerge from this darkness. Part of that difference for you should be how you lead, plan and operate your business – joining a roundtable will be the positive difference!
Looking forward to chatting!
PS Even while we cannot travel, my Roundtables are meeting either every week or every second week on Zoom. You’ll love the culture of a roundtable and your business will benefit! Just book a time for us to Zoom by clicking here or just drop me an email: