Inside and out, our strengths are there to be discovered!

When we hear the word ‘strength’ we might think of physical power or activities that we are best at. Visions of us meeting our fitness goals, mastering an expert Yoga pose or overcoming our fear of flying might spring to mind.

If we broaden the scope of the use of strength, we can also take in personality traits. Characters strengths are positive personality traits that influence how we think, feel, and behave. In their book, Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification, Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson describe 24 character strengths which all of us possess in varying degrees:

*Appreciation of beauty and excellence *Bravery *Creativity *Curiosity *Fairness *Forgiveness *Gratitude *Honesty *Hope *Humility *Humour *Judgement *Kindness *Leadership *Love *Love of learning *Perseverance *Perspective *Prudence *Self-regulation *Social intelligence *Spirituality *Teamwork *Zest

Research has consistently found character strengths to be associated with greater wellbeing and less mental distress. At work, character strengths have been linked to greater engagement and satisfaction. What character strengths do you identify with?

Maybe you can kick off 2023 by getting to know yourself a little better by identifying which of the above strengths are your most prominent and then reminding yourself of the valuable character traits you possess and bring to work every day. Better still, team up with a work mate to help each other identify the strengths you might overlook yourself. It’s a great teamwork exercise when you can praise each other for exhibiting strengths!

Kathleen is our dedicated mental health consultant/clinician. Connect with her for FREE counselling and mental health support or clinical advice services for your business and staff at or on 0456 380 307