Fitness Australia applauds ‘common sense’ approach to health and fitness.
The fitness industry’s peak association Fitness Australia has applauded Premier Marshall’s announcement today that gyms and fitness facilities can reopen from 12.01am Sunday along with exercise now permitted immediately due to the state achieving zero new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours.
Fitness Australia CEO Barrie Elvish said today’s announcement by the SA Government that gyms and other indoor fitness facilities will be allowed from Sunday was excellent news for the SA fitness industry and gym members.
Mr Elvish said:
“Today’s announcement is excellent news for fitness businesses, exercise professionals and the thousands of employees who can now get back to work and provide an essential service to our community.”
“For the community and the nearly 250,000+ South Australians who have a gym membership, they can now look forward to getting back into their gym routine after a short hiatus. Accessing a fitness facility is essential for people who use exercise to maintain their mental health, physical health and overall wellbeing and we applaud Premier Marshall’s focus on people’s health and wellbeing.”
Mr Elvish said has been an estimated 9million+ check-ins to SA gyms since 1st January 2020 with not one recorded case of transmission in a gym at any stage.
Mr Elvish said:
“As an industry, we have strict COVID-Safe protocols in place to protect everyone and businesses will do whatever is required to keep members and staff safe. We’ve had an unblemished record in SA with more than 9 million visits to a gym since January this year and not one case of COVID-19 transmission.”
“We know gyms are safe and today’s announcement signals a more realistic approach to giving people much needed access to essential services that improve their long-term health.”