The 2020 Club Industry Show Keynote: Liz Forkin Bohannon will share her story about beginners pluck.

It doesn’t take beginner’s luck to hit your goals—it takes beginner’s pluck. This year’s Club Industry Show keynote speaker knows all about beginner’s pluck. Liz Bohannon ditched her job in public relations and moved to Uganda with the hope of becoming a human rights journalist but instead started a social enterprise called Sseko Designs that provides education and entrepreneurial opportunities to Ugandan women.

Liz will take you on her journey—and will show you how to embrace your inner beginner, your dreams and your curiosity to become the hero of your story—and show others how to be the hero of their stories, too. Liz was listed as a top 20 speaker in the U.S. by Forbes and a top three Transformation Leader by John Maxwell. Bloomberg Businessweek named Sseko Designs as a top social enterprise to watch.

Save up to $100 when you register through Aug. 12th!
Register now for your best deal on the two-and-a-half day Club Industry Show conference program, which features sessions on topics vital to all facets of the fitness and wellness industry. We have new conference program options, including a VIP Pass (includes our brand new Master Class workshops plus the Healthcare & Fitness Integration Summit and/or Not-for-Profit Summit), Premium Pass Plus (which includes the Master Class workshops but not the Summits) plus the Premium Pass (for those who don’t want the Master Class experience) or just single session options.

Why would you pay more for your ticket than you absolutely have to? If you don’t sign up before Aug. 13, you’ll be doing just that.

Where: St Louis Union Station Hotel, St Louis MO

When: 14 – 16 October, 2020 (Conference) 15 – 16 October, 2020 (Exhibit Hall)

Register today (before you forget) to save up to $100 off regular pricing!

Register Now

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