Dietitian Ashleigh Feltham explains why plant-based eating is gaining traction globally.
Plant-based eating is gaining traction globally as people are becoming aware of their impact on the planet. Ruminant animals such as cows produce methane, which cause rising of greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases damage the ozone layer and are a significant factor in global warming.
In addition to this, the resources needed to feed and grow animals are considerable. Choosing to completely remove animal meat from your diet or simply reducing the amount of animal-based protein you include in your week removes a lot of this waste, resources and promotes the health of the planet. It is important to remember that the dietary choices you make will impact your children’s future and the world that they will inherit.
The benefits of swapping a meat-based protein meal or two in your week for a plant-based protein is also linked with a healthier body weight, prolonged lifespan, and reduced risk of diseases like certain cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. The World Cancer Research Fund and Heart Foundation recommend no more than 350-500g of red and processed meat each week to reduce your risk of cancers like colorectal cancer.
Pea protein contains all 9 of the essential amino acids that your body needs to make a protein. Pea protein is made up of 9% leucine which is an amino acid known to promote muscle synthesis. Research shows that pea protein acts in your body in a similar way to whey protein isolate in terms of muscle synthesis stimulation.
Pea protein is a perfect choice as it does not contain any anti-nutrients from the original vegetable source. This means that it will not prevent any nutrients from being absorbed by your gut. Also, unlike soy protein, pea protein is not a common allergy seen in children.