#GymTalk is over for another year but what was learned will continue to impact businesses all year long.

On Saturday 5th May 2018, a bunch of savvy fitness business owners gathered at Dexus Place in Melbourne, to learn the social media skills that can make or break a business.

Founder of Think Tank Social and Think Tank Scout, Sam Mutimer put her Essex accent to great use, sharing with those in attendance all the things that successful businesses are doing, in the social media space.

Her co-presenter and fellow Think Tank colleague, Gloria Alexander, then concluded the four-hour intensive workshop with all the ‘how to’ information, which included post-event distribution of an in-depth 70-page guide – a resource all attendees were keen to get their hands on.

The consensus from #GymTalk guests was that the workshop delivered exceptional value, with the nitty gritty of how to make social media work for operators in the fitness industry being information that everyone sought, but didn’t quite know where to get (without having to take out a second mortgage to learn).

Gym Click Media is proud to have been able to deliver such immense value to those industry leaders who attended. Of course, we owe immense thanks to all our key sponsors – without whom the event simply would not be possible:

And finally, we would like to thank all the thought leaders who attended. We look forward to seeing you put all that you learned, into action.