Exciting news! This Girl Can Week is back from 22 to 28 March 2021. Physical activity supporters can host an event such as a free introductory session or offer at their club, centre or studio or online during This Girl Can Week to encourage women to get active and sign-up.
22 to 28 March 2021
This Girl Can Week is back!
Host an event
Host a free introductory session or offer at your club, centre or studio or online during This Girl Can Week (22 to 28 March 2021) to encourage women in your community to give your activity a go!
- Read our checklist (click button below)
- Plan your event* such as:
- Free beginner group classes
- ‘Come and try’ sessions at your club
- Free trial memberships
- Open days with a welcome morning tea/coffee
- Create a Facebook event listing and add This Girl Can – Victoria as ‘co-host’ (please note we will not have website listings in 2021).
*All physical activity providers should check the Victorian Government’s Coronavirus website for the most up to date COVIDSafe guidelines for your sport or recreational activity and in your local area. Please ensure you have an updated COVIDSafe Plan. https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/sport-exercise-and-physical-recreation-services-sector-guidance
Attend an event
Visit our Facebook page @ThisGirlCanVIC and go to the event listings to see what’s on offer near you.
About This Girl Can Week
This Girl Can Week is a dedicated time when physical activity providers, clubs, gyms, facilities and organisations can offer fun, beginner-friendly and come-and-try events for women in their area. The week is all about encouraging more women to give physical activity a go or return to exercise after a break.