Fitness challenges are one of the biggest trends in the health and fitness industry at the moment, so it’s fair to ask the big question: Do they really work?

The idea of being able to make major changes in a relatively short period of time can seem too good to be true, but experts say if done properly these challenges yield results.

28 by Sam Wood founder and fitness expert Sam Wood, who launches his next eight-week fitness challenge on 4 October, says challenges can be exactly what’s needed to jumpstart a fitness journey and set up a wellness routine for future success.

Sam says:

“Fitness challenges can be an excellent circuit breaker.”

“They provide clients with practical tools – expert guided workouts for every fitness level, delicious meal plans, a vast library of health resources – and, most importantly, support.

“From a physical perspective, eight weeks is long enough to see real transformation. That might be weight loss, or it could be a change in body shape as muscle starts to build. Whatever it is, it’s sustainable enough to give someone the motivation to continue on after the challenge ends.”

Fitness challenges also provide a unique opportunity for increased motivation. 28 by Sam Wood offers $10,000 to the participant with the most inspiring transformation, which is a clear motivation to get up early and work out. Celebrating that journey is also important, as every person who finishes the Challenge also receives a generous prize pack.

From a psychological perspective, the sense of community provided by 28 by Sam Wood’s online community is invaluable to success.

Sydney based psychologist Nancy Sokarno, says people are a product of their environment and having support from others who understand the process can be a major factor in whether someone manages to change lifestyle habits and create new healthier routines.

Nancy said:

“Whether it is in person or online, we innately require connection and belongingness, a community can provide you with the encouragement and camaraderie to push you to perform at your best.”

“In a fitness challenge, it certainly helps to be surrounded by cheerleaders who want you to succeed.”

Sam Wood agrees community is key and says one of key reasons the 28 by Sam Wood program has been such a success for so many people, all with different starting points and backgrounds, is its supportive Facebook group, accessible to members. At the end of each challenge, 28 also awards $5,000 to the best community leader.

Nancy adds:

“Challenges also benefit habit formation.”

“Psychologically, while there is no set number of days required to form a new habit, our mind takes on goals 12 weeks at a time and this period is the most important for continued success.

“The benefit of an eight-week fitness challenge is that it can kickstart habit formation and provide someone with the tools to fly through this period and lock in those healthy habits.”

Beginning a fitness challenge also provides a starting line. There is no ‘I’ll get going tomorrow’ or ‘waiting till Monday’ when the start date is set in stone.

Sam says:

“Eight weeks is short enough so the finish line is always in view, even from the start, which certainly makes the challenge less daunting.”

“We’ve seen thousands of success stories – people who don’t just lose weight but also transform the way they live. They’ve become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.”

About 28 by Sam Wood

28 by Sam Wood was launched in 2016 by Sam Wood, one of the country’s leading health and fitness experts. Sam and his team of experts designed a complete fitness, nutrition and mindset program to help people get fit at home and stay healthy and happy, inside and out. These are powerful indicators of relationship satisfaction. As of today, 28 by Sam Wood has helped more than 500,000 people around the world get healthier and fitter.