Join the four-week Stayin’ Wild Challenge…because you are born to be wild.

You know HOW to walk. It’s the actually *doing it* bit that’s hard.

That’s what Stayin’ Wild is all about. It gives you the connection, the motivation and the accountability you need to make walking a daily habit. It teaches you how to incorporate movement into your everyday life, without adding another stressful thing to your to-do list.

The Stayin’ Wild Challenge is more than a walking program. It’s a scientifically formulated, heart-centred challenge with a single vision: to help you soar beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome to the Stayin’ Wild Challenge – a four-week wellbeing program designed to help you feel fit, fabulous and connected in a time of physical distancing. Plus, by fundraising for Beyond Blue, you’ll be helping all Australians achieve their best possible mental health.

The Stayin’ Wild Challenge is more than a walking program. It’s a scientifically formulated, heart-centred challenge with a single vision: to help you soar beyond your wildest dreams.


Walk 10,000 steps a day


Add 10 sets of stairs a day


Add lifting heavy things


Add agility activities


We believe that women are born to be wild… to be untamed, empowered and free. By walking, puffing, lifting and practicing agility activities each week in nature, we improve our health and fitness, support our immune system, reduce stress and cultivate joy. Plus, when we do it with like-minded women for a good cause, we build a life-changing community.

For more information visit