Yarra Leisure leads the way with three fitness facilities Quality Accredited

Yarra Leisure leads the way in quality service excellence, and that’s what they have done by having all three facilities – Richmond Recreation Centre, Fitzroy Swimming Pools, and Collingwood Leisure Centre, achieving Quality Accreditation. These three facilities make up an exclusive club of just 19 facilities currently holding the accreditation across Australia.

The Quality Accreditation Program by Fitness Australia, the national peak fitness industry association, is designed to continuously build on the quality of a fitness business, with customer care, safety and service being the ultimate goal.

Yarra Mayor, Cr Danae Bosler, says, “We’re supporting the social, wellbeing and leisure needs of a growing and diverse community. This means providing a great mix of safe and enjoyable facilities, with lots of opportunities for people experiencing disadvantage, people with disability, older people, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds.”

“Achieving accreditation gives us confidence that our services and programs are of the highest standard. And it shows that we are carefully managing the health and safety of our patrons during their time with us. That’s why we jumped at the chance to participate in the Fitness Australia Quality Accreditation program.”

“This is a big milestone on our continuous improvement journey, and it offers a real boost to our hard working Yarra Leisure team,” Cr Bosler says.

Barrie Elvish, CEO at Fitness Australia says “It’s outstanding to see early‐adopters of the program, Yarra Leisure achieve quality accreditation for all three fitness facilities. It is encouraging that the industry is moving in the right direction with facilities like those managed by the Yarra City Council leading the way.”

“As part of the accreditation, business managers are provided with feedback in order to improve the effectiveness of their business; provide greater value to their customers; and raise community expectations of customer care and service” says Barrie.

Fitness Australia’s Quality Accreditation Program is available to fitness businesses in Australia via accreditation.fitness.org.au or for more information call 1300 211 311.