YMCA WA Morley Sport and Recreation Centre becomes Western Australia’s first business to become Fitness Australia Quality Accredited

YMCA WA Morley Sport and Recreation Centre is now Fitness Australia Quality Accredited, becoming the first in Western Australia to achieve fitness business accreditation.

The recently launched Fitness Australia Quality Accreditation Program is designed to continuously build on the quality of a fitness business, with customer care and value being the ultimate goals.

David McIlhone, Manager of YMCA WA Morley Sport and Recreation Centre says:

“We viewed the program as an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to deliver high level fitness services and business standards to our local community.”

“As part of the program we conducted a thorough review of our policies and systems and as a result have implemented several positive changes to our procedures around service delivery.”

Greg Harris, interim CEO of Fitness Australia, the peak fitness industry association, explains:

“The Fitness Australia Quality Accreditation Program is supported by the Fitness Industry National Quality Framework’s six pillars, the program leads businesses through the accreditation process, which includes multiple modules designed to assess, identify and assist businesses in reaching the industry framework expectations.”

Program participants are required to undertake a rigorous process and provide evidence of

compliance relating to areas such as professionalism, safety, customer care, information and knowledge, people and leadership, with the opportunity to:

  • Improve the effectiveness of their business;
  • Provide greater value to their customers; and
  • Raise community expectations of customer care and service.

“The team from YMCA WA Morley Sport and Recreation Centre should be proud of this tremendous achievement and we congratulate them on their commitment to outstanding business practices and customer care,” said Greg.

Fitness Australia’s Quality Accreditation Program is available to fitness businesses in Australia via accreditation.fitness.org.au or for more information call 1300 211 311.