Fitness Australia has received confirmation from the Queensland Chief Health Officer that it’s COVID SAFE Industry Plan for the Queensland fitness sector has been approved – the first industry plan to be approved in the state.

Approval of this plan has provided clearance for the fitness industry to operate with greater numbers than outlined in the Queensland Roadmap – a fantastic result for many businesses and exercise professionals across the state.

Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeanette Young, said it was great to have Queensland gyms back open so early.

Dr Young said:

“Physical activity plays such an important role in the lives of Queenslanders and to have a COVID SAFE Industry Plan approved for the Queensland fitness sector is such an incredible achievement. This approved plan will ensure we can all get back to the gym, fitness studios and classes, in a safe and considered way.”

Fi Australia CEO Barrie Elvish said the COVID SAFE Industry Plan allows one person per 7 square metres of floor space and will allow all persons to maintain a physical distance of 1.5 metres from any other person whilst exercising or using fitness facilities.

Mr Elvish said:

“This plan was developed through extensive collaboration with both the fitness sector and the Queensland Government. The plan outlines specific measures that sporting and recreation organisations will need to take to ensure the safety of all in attendance and ensure a consistent experience across Queensland as we work our way through the recovery phase,”

“This COVID SAFE Industry Plan enables fitness businesses to have groups of 20 in separate areas of the gym, enabling far greater numbers per venue, provided the 7 square metres of floor space is adhered to at all times.

“Through the easing of restrictions, Fitness Australia will continue to work closely with the Queensland Government to review the requirements and provide advice on the reduction of this ratio to one person per 4 square metres for Stage 3, provided all gym owners and users continue to do the right thing during Stage 2.”

Queensland Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeanette Young, praised Fitness Australia for the work they have done to pull together such a comprehensive Industry Plan.

Dr Young said:

“While we work through the easing of restrictions, I appreciate the Queensland fitness industry going above and beyond to ensure their patrons safety and fully support the one person per 7 square meter advice the industry has put forward. We will continue to work with industry to provide advice and clarification ahead of Stage 3.”

As always, Fitness Australia will be here to support all members throughout this process and are happy to answer any questions you may have. Let’s continue to work together to ensure the fitness sector is a leader in community safety and user experience.

Businesses are also encouraged to complete the Statement of Compliance. Download it here