Fitness First launches ‘Fitness Keeper’, a new policy that offers Australians up to three months free gym access if they lose their job.

Fitness First launched ‘Fitness Keeper’ in its 60 clubs on Wednesday, to support those who are doing it tough after losing their jobs or struggling financially.

Offering some relief during what has been a challenging year, eligibility for the new initiative also extends to both ex-Fitness First members and non-members who will receive two months free gym access with no strings attached.

With more Fitness First members experiencing financial stress than ever before, Fitness First General Manager, David Aitchison, says the opportunity to provide some assistance was the catalyst for Fitness Keeper.

Aitchison noted:

“In addition to offering financial relief and helping people maintain their physical health, Fitness Keeper will support Australians so they can continue to reap the wider benefits of exercise.

“Physical movement is a great way to shift your mindset and improve your outlook, which is crucial right now as Australians, along with the rest of the world, are facing uncertainty like never before.”

New research recently released by Fitness Australia has further confirmed the essential role that exercise plays in maintaining emotional and mental health.

In a survey of more than 14,400 gym members from across Australia, 83% of respondents said improving their mental health was a key goal for going to the gym.

When they weren’t able to access the gym due to COVID closures, 40% reported a decreased overall sense of wellbeing, 35% had increased stress/anxiety levels and 1 in 4 experienced a decreased sense of connection.

Aitchison added:

“Good mental fitness goes hand in hand with physical fitness and prepares you to deal with the challenges that life presents.

“For someone going through financial stress or the experience of losing their job on top of everything else that 2020 has dealt, the ability to exercise regularly, maintain routine and gain the social interaction available in a gym environment will play a major part in safe-guarding their mental fitness at a crucial time.”

Fitness First is committed to supporting members throughout the COVID pandemic and helping Australians stay fit, keep active, and look after themselves.