Fitness Australia’s Continuing Education providers commit to the ongoing support and servicing of Fitness Australia registered AusREPs via face to face workshops and online courses.

Fitness Australia’s Continuing Education providers have expressed a commitment to the ongoing support and servicing of Fitness Australia registered AusREPs via face to face workshops and online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Barrie Elvish, CEO of peak industry association Fitness Australia, said:

“It’s not only gyms, trainers and instructors who are being extra vigilant with appropriate hygiene practices as instructed by the World Health Organisation and the Australian government, but our CEC providers are also equipped with safe practice.”

“Based on Government directive of it being fine to attend small events, Prime Minister Scott Morrison (in his announcement on 13th March) stressed that the recommendation for non-essential mass gatherings of 500 people of more would not apply to attendance at work, childcare, schools, university lectures, public transport, airports or things of that nature.”

“Fitness Australia is a strong believer in quality education. It remains important to continue the upkeep of knowledge and skills because our communities will need us to be ready and fully equipped on the other end of this pandemic.”

“Of course, we encourage AusREPs to keep in touch with their course providers, to practice common-sense by following government advice.”

To find a CEC course go to and to keep up to date with the fitness industry’s guide to the Coronavirus visit

The team at Fitness Australia are here to support in any way we can, so feel free to call us on 1300 211 311.