Gym Click Media’s own Belle Brockhoff is getting ready to head to PyeongChang 2018.

Off the back of an unexpected recent injury, Belle Brockhoff, has undergone surgery on her ACL, completed extensive rehabilitation, and all during her preparation phase for PyeongChang 2018, where she hopes to secure a place on the gold medal podium at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games.

In the lead up to her departure, we had a quick catch up with Australia’s #1 female snowboard cross competitor, who also happens to be the first of our athletes to join the Gym Click Media Elite Athlete Sponsorship Program.

How are you feeling in the lead up to the Games?

BB: I’m feeling good. I just feel slightly anxious to get back on a snowboard for the first time [since her most recent knee injury]. Once I do that, I’ll have that confidence I need, and do all I can to get to the Games. I know it’ll be a lot of fun when I’m there.

What impact has the injury had on your preparation – both physical and mental?

BB:There have been so many things to do for rehab; no one really tells you but it’s a full time job with hours and hours in the gym each day. It’s taught me a lot of patience, mentally, and it’s allowed me to work on the physical things that I didn’t see as a weakness prior to the injury. It’s all been a really positive ride!

How do you gain the mental edge over the competition?

BB:I do a lot of mental training, which involves meditation, breathing training, reading books and putting some mental toughness exercises into practise. Whats been most important, is training myself to let the little things go, rather than hold onto them. All of this has resulted in a huge mental shift for me, during this past year.

What will you miss most while you’re away?

BB:I’ll miss that good feeling after a day of training, when I walk back home to my own room and see my family. I’ll also miss Melbourne’s coffee, too!

What’s your advice for those at home who also want to be the best in their chosen field?

BB:Champions always do more. So train hard and smart, and work to strengthen your mind. Your mind is like a muscle that also needs training and time to recover. It mind links up everything in your body, so when you looked after it, there will be more clarity and efficiency in what you do.

Contact Belle here:

Instagram: @bellebrockhoff

Facebook: @bellebrockhoff

Twitter: @bellebrockhoff

Photo by @haraldbenselin 

More Here: Congratulations, Belle Brockhoff! – Gym Click Media