National Nutrition Week 2019 (13-19 October) is all about how to try for five serves of veg each day by embracing your vegetable ‘waste’!

We all know veggies are good for us – Mum’s been telling us for years! But did you know that we throw a lot of good food away?

In fact, wasted food makes up more 1/3 of the contents the average household bin. That’s nearly $4000 worth of food per household per year that can end up in landfill, where it breaks down and emits harmful greenhouse gases.

Here’s how you can try for five serves of veg a day, while helping to save money and the environment, by embracing your veg ‘waste’:

  • Eat more parts of your vegetables such as skins, stalks ad leaves.
  • Use up your ageing vegetables that would otherwise go in the bin
  • Choose ‘ugly’ and ‘imperfect’ vegetables to prevent them going to landfill. They’re just as nutritious, and often cheaper.

Discover news ways to add veg to your day, with heaps of handy tips to buy, store, cook and enjoy vegetables at

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